Does the Topic of Reflex Integration Also Concern Adults?

RehaZentrum Malovec Blogg

Reflex Integration of Early Childhood Reflexes for Everyone

What is Reflex Integration?

We have already written a lot about the reflex integration, but in this post, we want to focus on adults – as this target group is also often affected.

To provide a brief summary: Reflex integration is an effective and non-invasive method for treating early childhood reflexes. Integrating reflexes in young children can have a significant impact on their abilities later in life. Reflex integration is the process of learning and refining movements to master everything.

Reflex integration helps us better understand how the function of consciousness works. I am convinced of reflex integration and believe that it can help with many ailments. The method is gentle and mild, so not only adults but also infants and children can be treated without any problems. With reflex integration, you can support the child and optimally shape their development.

Does the Topic of Reflex Integration Also Concern Adults?

Reflex integration is effective for all age groups. Many people suffer from complaints or illnesses caused by missing or disrupted reflexes. These complaints can be alleviated or even healed with reflex integration.

Reflex integration is a process in which a person learns to control reflex actions and reactions. Reflexes are involuntary movements that occur in response to specific stimuli such as sounds or images. For example, when someone drops something, they might involuntarily jump back before they can think about what just happened. What causes this? A reflex is a deeply ingrained behavior pattern that we do not need conscious thinking to perform; it is like second nature to us because we have learned the pattern through repetition and practice (e.g., riding a bicycle).

But What Happens When Early Childhood Reflexes Are Not Integrated?

Moro Reflex

The non-integrated Moro reflex is a neurological disorder that affects the part of the brain responsible for movement. It is characterized by uncontrolled muscle movements that can cause severe health complications.

Non-Integrated Moro Reflex in Adults

A study involving 100 patients found that about a quarter of all adults are unable to activate their Moro reflex. These individuals often face problems in daily life because they cannot trigger sufficient muscle contractions, thus coordinating their movements.

Neurological examinations of adults with a non-integrated Moro reflex show that affected individuals often have difficulty concentrating and motivating themselves. Additionally, they seem less capable of correctly interpreting emotional stimuli. The ability to flexibly respond to changes in the environment can also be a challenge for the affected individuals.

The most common disorders include:

  • Balance disorders
  • Muscle weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hand tremors
  • Concentration difficulties

Problems We Experience...

At 23 years old, I always thought it wasn’t a big deal to forget things, lose concentration, or lose balance. But the problems really started with the lockdown,” said Sebastian.

The 23-year-old man from Germany suffers from a non-integrated Moro reflex. If I can say he suffers… He always had concentration difficulties and balance problems and was not particularly self-confident. When he concentrates, he trembles. However, he managed to live with it. Examinations always showed that he was healthy. However, the challenging corona period worsened the symptoms. The trembling also occurred while watching TV, and he couldn’t wear the protective mask because he felt dizzy and had panic attacks. In public transportation, where the protective mask must be worn, he couldn’t stay for more than 10 minutes. And what did further examinations show? Again and again, that he was perfectly healthy and that he likely had a psychological problem, and he was recommended psychiatric treatment.

The Problem, However, Was Somewhere Else... in the Non-Integrated Moro Reflex.

Fortunately, there are treatments that can help alleviate the symptoms. Some patients need only a few months to properly integrate the reflex. Severely affected neurological patients may require lifelong care, while others experience a significant improvement through treatment. After the diagnosis, a knowledgeable specialist in the field of reflex integration can determine whether one or more early childhood reflexes are not integrated and prepare a reflex integration program if necessary. The reflexes can be integrated using cold laser. The method is gentle and mild and is performed lying down. Patients feel significantly better after the first sessions. Even with severely affected neurological patients, we achieve progress in development with reflex integration. I think it is great that at the RehaZentrum Malovec, we can check these early childhood reflexes and start reflex integrative therapy if needed. I would start with the diagnosis of improperly integrated reflexes for many complaints. Thanks to our long-standing experience, we can confirm that physiotherapy combined with