After a long and challenging period of isolation and restrictions, we are finally able to start a new project that gives us goosebumps! Finally together again! A few weeks ago, we began organizing a gathering for the families of our exceptional superheroes to thank them for their endurance and patience and to give them the attention they deserve. International Children’s Day is the day when the families of children with disabilities come together again, and our brave superheroes will be celebrated not only with our attention but also with nice gifts and a cheerful program.
International Children’s Day for Our Superheroes
on June 4, 2022, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
at RIVER LODGE ISTER (Dammhaufengasse 41, 1020 Vienna)
And how could Children’s Day be better celebrated under the theme “Superheroes”? With or without costumes, we will enjoy a bubble show together, creativity knows no bounds in the hands of makeup artists, and our clowns will not only bring smiles to our faces but also create balloon animals. Catering will be provided for those who get hungry, and our generous partner – Billa – will take care of drinks and other treats. We believe we will enjoy a day without restrictions, full of laughter, good spirits, and wonderful experiences together. The number of spots for the children’s party is limited, so please register at: jana@rehamalovec.atWe look forward to seeing you!